
How Do You Drag Photos To Upload In Flickr

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tin't employ photo drag-and-drop in create album

jmichae3 bilang:

tin can't use drag-and-drop in create album. firefox (31.1.1) asks me if I want to leave the page or stay on folio. if I leave the page, I go a file:/// local path to the picture in the address bar and basically the browser is merely showing the epitome I dragged. you lot should know about firefox developer edition too, because I might besides utilize that to upload (35a2). it is readily offered to folks at present at
Di-posting pada 18:43, 23 Nov 2014 ( permalink )

view photos

FlyButtafly bilang:


Are you trying to create an album in Organizr? What are the steps you are taking to create a new album?
Di-posting pada 89 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

view photos

Brenda Anderson bilang:


I get a file:/// local path

that sounds similar y'all are trying to upload your photos? Are you on the upload screen? ? That'due south the only identify yous tin can elevate/driblet photos from your computer into Flickr.
Di-posting pada 89 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
view photos

jmichae3 bilang:


click Albums & collections, create. drag. oops.
Di-posting pada 89 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

view photos

jmichae3 bilang:

Brenda Anderson:

flickr offered elevate and drop. so I naturally assumed it should piece of work, given that there'due south no upload button.
Di-posting pada 89 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

view photos

Patrick Costello bilang:

It's drag and drop from already uploaded content.
If you oasis't already uploaded the images, first get through the upload step - upload button at the top of the page.
Notation - yous tin add together to albums during the upload performance.
Di-posting pada 89 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

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